Thursday, March 30, 2017

Website Conceptual Design

Today in Digi Tech, We have been doing amazing stuff like Learning how to code all thanks to Ms Anderson Digi Tech Teacher 2017, I have learn so much about Making a Website and Learning how to code, I hope you enjoy my work I have done today so Thank-You Ms Anderson for all your hard work on teacher 9RMz, It was so fun learning about how to code. 

The Following link is a link to example of a website about Sustainability in the Tamaki Community.

I have used HTML Code to Include
  • a main heading
  • a introductory paragraph
  • bold and italics text
  • an image
  • some links to other pages
  • a list

Thursday, March 16, 2017

He Korowai Hapori - (Ruapotaka Marae)

Today during Periods 3 & half way through period 4, my class 9RMz and my ICT teacher Ms Anderson and My SOS teacher Mrs Apelu, went down to the Ruapotaka Marae. We got joined with some of glen taylor school to learn about what is a korowai and what they are doing to them. If you did not know what a korowai is, It is what Maori lady's and also men hang around their backs. What they are doing to the korowai's they are puting plastic toy houses on them to repersent the new houses that are being built and also the ones that are getting knocked down.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

( SOS ) Social Studies Project On Healthy Food / Junk Food

Today our group has been working really well on our healthy food, Each group memeber of my group worked really hard they all gave it ago to our project, a part we found intresting was why people always are ating the junk food and why they are not eating healthy,a part we need help or assistance with is basicly the survey because I do not know what to Questions and then answers in, .we have a question about Why do people spend most of there time on junk food because junk food is a treat not a thing to live on

DigiTech Brief Development

In DigiTech we have been working on Brief Development in class.

I have learnt how to Sustain my ability in my Tamaki Community, and how to create a website, I have also learnt how to do some coding at stuff I do and many more things. Here is a Image of one of the pieces of work I did today it is called outcome attributes and features.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The River Talks

Who were the other groups there?                         
Te Kura Kaupapa
Pt England School
Auckland University Technology
Glen Taylor
Tamaki College
What were some of the things said about the River?  Be specific
There is disgusting stuff in there and it is not good for swimming in and they need our help to clean out the river.
What does ‘Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au’ mean?
Ko te awa means I am the river which means in maori Ko te awa.!
Describe at least 3 things you observed during the programme?  What were the meanings behind them?
  • They water is Polluted
  • There are white fish in the water
  • people are just dumping rubbish in the creek.

How did you show R.I.S.E values during the trip?  Describe each value.
- Respect is shown as listening  and doing as you are told
- Integrity is shown as owning up your mistakes.
- Success is shown as being proud of who you are at everything  you do.
- Responsibility is shown as never saying the wrong words and having the right attitude.
What does sustainability have to do with the River?
It means for our river to keep it clean and sustain it to a certain ability.