Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Push & Pull

Today in social studies we were doing a diagram, So below is a diagram. Hope you Enjoy.

Learning about Tokelauans?

Question??: What was life like for the Tokelauans?

Well today in social studies we were learning what was life like for Tokelauans? 
Well I think that life was really bad for Tokelauans because they did not have much food there and not much schooling and yeah. When you finished school there you would travel on boat and goo away from you island and also your families..... So what do you think life was like for Tokelauans??

From Tokelau to New Zealand
Write a summary explaining reasons why Tokelauans moved to New Zealand.  

What was life like for the Tokelauans?

1.Choose 20 important words from the text

  1. Migration
  2. Children
  3. Generation
  4. Mind
  5. Consequences
  6. Opportunities
  7. Families
  8. New Zealand
  9. Tokelau
  10. Islands
  11. Compared
  12. People
  13. Population
  14. Culture
  15. Government
  16. Jobs
  17. Programe
  18. Stories
  19. Education
  20. Traditional  
2.  Now choose the 6 MOST important words

  1. Education
  2. Traditional
  3. Culture
  4. Government
  5. Migration
  6. Families
3.  Now use those six words to sum up the text in a couple of sentences
Education was Important to help Families.
Migration can help the children that suffer get more and more Tradition     
Everyone around the Government is there own little Culture in their own way.